Jan 2, 2006


Procrastination is my personal demon. It gets me into the most 'trouble' in every area of my life. I hate it but so far I haven't kicked the bad habit.

For example, I moved into my current place last June but most of my boxes are still packed and of the boxes that were unpacked a lot of the stuff still hasn't found its proper place. I can use the excuse that I started a new job in August - but that excuse falls a little flat.

At school, I procratinated with grading papers so that by the end of the semester I had stacks and stacks of things left to grade. In December - before Winter break - I wanted to finish grading by blowtorch.

So it should come as no surprise that my blog is not up to date. I have a written journal that I keep up with for the most part. I'll try to be better but no promises. :)


bkb said...

I got the SAME problem there.....


ZED and ginger said...

I procrastinate too! Especially with schoolwork and then I have ZED saying, 'well, why did ya wait til the last minute??' as I hurry to try and finish what I need to do.
