Jun 18, 2009

Lost Friendships

I HATE losing people in my life. Right now I'm not talking about loss through death - although I really hate that too... I'm talking about losing friends through arguments, misunderstandings, or when other people come between friends.

Why can't some people understand that an argument does not automatically END a friendship? Things can be talked out or people can agree to disagree.

Or why do other people feel the need to interfere or "plain out LIE" in order to get between two friends? Some people think they need the monopoly on a person and will do anything to get other friends out of their way. People are capable of caring of more than one friend at a time. But people feel the need to lie or to purposely cause misunderstandings to destroy relationships ... GRRRR I hate that!!

My friends - ALL of my friends - are very important in my life. Whether I see them every day or see them once in a blue moon - I love my friends. I am always willing to go the extra mile for a friend and (if I do say so myself) I go out of my way to prove that. So how can it be that someone can so easily dismiss all the years of friendship because of an arguement or misunderstanding.

People who lie are the worst type of person - in my opinion of course. GRRRR!!

I have Lots more to say on the subject - but my mood is such that I cannot continue at the moment!


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