Mar 21, 2011

Getting Passed the Past

** Learning, Growing, and Reconnecting . . .

It is time for me to 'get with it' ~ I feel like I've been MIA from my own life over the past several years. Now is the time - I'm Asking for forgiveness and trying to forgive myself for things I cannot change ... The old cliche' says, "That which does not kills us makes us stronger" ~ so I am definitely stronger now.

I am reaching out . . .

Unfortunately, it seems as if the starting over part is the most challenging. Reconnecting with friends can be most difficult, especially if there was discord. Life stuff goes 'topsy-turvy', lashing out at people we are closest to causes a lot of hurt, and healing those bonds is very important to me.

I'm sure everyone has done things in their past that we wish we could take back ... hurt people we loved & probably just plain f'd up; but getting passed all that seems to be the difficult part. We all have our share of 'issues' and I know in my past I had what one might call 'filtering' issues. I have a very dry, sarcastic wit and it is not always appreciated and can hurt. Too often I'd say whatever popped into my head without thinking ... especially around my closest friends.

I've recently been excited to reconnect to many old friends on a certain website where we can communicate again and I am blessed to find that many of them are just as accepting as if I hadn't been 'gone' - I love that. Still other friends, whom I love, must still be hurt/angry about things that happened when I had a meltdown & sort of 'dropped out of life' ~ I want to apologize, I want to reconnect to them as well.

"True Friends" are rare and I wouldn't do anything on purpose to hurt, disappoint, or upset a friend; but unfortunately it happens. My friendships are extremely important to me, I would give them the shirt off my back, my last penny, or anything else they needed. I always want to be there for them for anything in anyway I can!!

I've been 'reinventing' myself, learning from past mistakes, and learning how to avoid those same mistakes in the future (learning how to filter - tempering my emotions by using my brain.) Although I love to erase the hurts, I can't; I can only apologize, express my continued care for others, and continually challenge myself to learn and grow.

I hope to continue to 'rejoin' life and reconnect with my wonderful friends.

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